Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Dancing Dog

You´ll need sound for this, we were at the trout farm when we spotted the farmers dog dancing to the music that was coming from the radio!! Click on The Dancing Dog link to get the video!

Trout n About

Went to a trout farm yesterday, was ffedimg them fish food until a dog ran away with it!!

Fed some leaping trout, the like to jump trout of the water!!

Crazy Alpaca

These are popular here , they are raised for their very very soft wool!!

Trying to look tough, but he a real softie!!

Cristo Blanco

There´s one looking over Cusco as well, it not that big though!!

Cusco, Peru

Situated at 3,300m above sea level, this place has caused me to suffer from sever altitude sickness, short of breath all the time, cold feet, constantly dehydrated, headaches to name but a few symptoms!! Still is a nice city with so much history, culture and ancient Inca ruins.


City center

Sacsayhuaman, Cusco , Peru

Well pronounced!!!In building Sacsayhuaman, the Incas used stone blocks of up to 9 meters high and 5 meters wide, each fitting perfectly with the other. The fortress has an area of approximately 360 meters and has doors, galleries and watchtowers at strategic points.

Walking America

A real American hero.

Spare a though for poor old Ian, this guy is walking from the very southern tip of south america to the top of Alaska - i met him in Peru, he had been walking 3 and a half years. He pushes a cart instead of carrying a rucksack!!
Here are some factoids from his journey so far!!

- as of the 25th of may, 2006 he has walked 8,285 km or 5,148 miles…let’s not ponder how much he has have left, ok?

- at about 1,200 steps per km, he has taken more or less 9,942,000 footsteps so far.

- he has walked in 4 countries so far: Chile ,Argentina ,Bolivia, Peru

- he is on his 7th pair of shoes.

Click the link of this blog to see his website - he seemed healthy when i met him, except for a nasty cough!! Fair play to him!!