Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Week 2 - Bariloche & The Andes

We arrived in the city of Bariloche on Saturady last after the most comfortable 12 hour bus journey EVER!! We went by what over here is called "Coche cama" which literally means bed-car, you get these massive seats that recline 170 degrees, they give you a blanket serve two meals .......with wine and give you champagne before you go to sleep to help!! There was even a little waiter on board to serve your every need!! Class!!!
Part of our journey involved a changing buses in Neuquem, of course when we arrived there our bus was not there and nobody at the office knew if it was coming, had come or was gonna come!!
Eventually we realised it was late, when the wanted to check our bags on board, they didnt tell when it was due but said it was on the way. So i went off to get one of those lovely crustless sandwiches they have over here and Neal went to wash his teeth in the jacks - unfortunatley when we were doing tis all the other passengers AND our luggage had boarded and was pulling out.............. we had run after and bag until it stopped even though the driver saw and ignored us!!! Fortunatley the little waite guy opened the door and we hopped in!! Very close!!

Bariloche was cool, a city located in the Andes surrounded by snow capped mountains and lakes!! We rented bikes and did a 60km trek around the mountains and lakes!!
Took some pictures too!!


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