Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Week 2 - Villa Gesell - We´re Back!!!

Hi All, sorry for not updating for a while but we didnt want to add anything until we were able to upload a few photos.
To bring you up to date, last week was a fairly quiet week in Villa Gesell, we took it easy going to the beach everyday, the beach was very nice full of Argentinians who were on their summer holidays so it really felt like we were in Argentina rather than a tourist hotspot.
Our first day at the beach was quite funny, two of us arriving at the beach - massive smiles, a gleam in our eyes arriving at the beach full of Argentians who were all tanned from had to toe from months of exposure to the sun. Needless to say we stood out like two milkbottles!!But that was all to change afte a days sunbathing , soon we were to become two bottles of strawberry milk!!
Fortunatley the redness has now turned to tan, a real tan not the one the farmers get!!
Life was pretty laid back in Vill Gesell, eating out rally cheaply in good restaurants (all the restaurants here are good), we had steak every night, costs less than 3Euro and is way bigger than cow i´ve ever seen in my life, i´m exaggerating a little but u get the picture.Our favourite restaurant had to be Sancho´s, great steak and even Sancho himself managed to give us a great handshake on the way out!!!
Another restaurant we went to was an open buffet,serving every part of a cow, salads, meats everything, quality was okay!They had a massive fruit selection as well with one of the strangelst colured looking fruits i´ve ever seen. I took a picture, i think it was some sort of kryptonite based fruit..............this was confirmed when a Clark Kent lookalike at the table next to us fell over when i came back to my table with the fruit!

Our accomodation was ok, except i woke up one morning covered in ants, walking around my body,nibbling on me like i was some sort of ant hors'deurve!
Strangley Neal didnt have a single ant on him!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmm!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Villa Gisele

Is that Gisele Bundchen's gaff?

02 March, 2006 11:59  

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