Thursday, June 29, 2006


Sorry havent updated in a while, we both got Salmonella Typhoid and have been pretty ill, to learn more about this terrible disease click the Typhoid!!! link above!! I think we're okay now!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's 4.30am,downtown Fermoy, it's quiet, too quiet. An annonomous tip (the lord of the dances groudskeeper)has alerted us that Michael Jackson is in town, and he's packing fudge. We advise everyone to lock their doors and keep their children off the steet (not necessarily in that order)until this menace realises there is no summer in Ireland, their never was. And fucks off back to L.A. and lives like a lizard in that glorified desert allowing us to enjoy our rosy cheeked woman and rising damp.

30 June, 2006 04:47  
Blogger royoflynn said...

Well said!!

01 July, 2006 23:15  

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