Thursday, March 16, 2006

Easter Island - Legend of the Rapa Nui Moai

Back again, was away on Easter island for a while!! The lonliest place on the planet!! And before i go any further it not the land of Easter Eggs and home of the Easter bunny!

We flew out from Santiago last Wednesday hoping to arrive and be greeted with the traditional necklaces the same as everybodyelse on the flight!! Unfortunately as we were staying in a hostel we got nothing, zilch, nada, not a friggin´ bean!! Everybodyelse was greeted by host family who greeted them with exotic smiles, a warm embrace and a beautiful flower necklace - just like on Fantasy Island - you know the show with the little small guy!!

Anywho, our hostel turned out to be quite nice, the room was clean, spacious and surrounded by animals!! The hostel was practically a farm the were roosters all over the place as well as dogs, cats and giant cockroaches - but its ok they were all quite plesant to us!!

Unfortunatley, i was sick for the first few days with a intestine infection - nothing was staying in my body - was horrible, thankfully i had my own private nurse on hand!! ;-)

The island is basically famous for the giant Moai statues carved from the mountain thousand of years ago mainly to please the gods but also to look over the villages to protect them from evil spirits!! The statues are quite impressive and there were over 900 scattered all around the island and historians are still baffled as to how the giant Moai carved from the mountain were moved from one side of the island to the other considering the weighed up to 100 tonnes!!!!
Easter Islands history is pretty sketchy as no one really knows what happened as the never wrote stuff down!
Basically all that happened on Easter Island thousand of years ago was statue carving!!
Islanders carved statues all day for the Gods because the Bird Man (head chief of the Island) ! he gont this position by winning a competition of climbing dow a rocky cliff swimming across a pretty treachorous channel of shark infested waters and climing a large rock where the Sotty Tern bird lays its eggs!!!

Anywho, people got tired of living on scraps of crop and rebelled against the gods and knocked down most of the statues they had spent all thier lives building!!

15 Moai

Some Moai at the beach!!

Giant Moai in progress, was being carved out of the mountain but the didnt bother finishing it!!

More Moai, the rest of the statues are underground due to years of subsidence from the mountain!!


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